Teoret. i eksperim. khimiya. 2004. Vol.40 No. 1. p. 23-28 — Інститут фізичної хімії ім. Л.В.Писаржевського НАНУ

Routs and Mechanism of Oxidation of Alkanes, Alkenes and Arenes by Peroxynitrous Acid

V. L. Lobachev, S. L. Kluger*, E. S. Rudakov

L. M. Litvinenko Institute of Physical-Organic and Coal Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

70 R. Luxemburg Vul., 83114 Donetsk, Ukraine. Е-mail: rudakov@esrud.donetsk.ua

* Donetsk National University

24 Universytetska Vul., 83055 Donetsk, Ukraine

The bell-shaped dependences of rate constants of oxydation of hydrocarbons by peroxynitrios acid (HOONO) on the ratio of volumes of the aqueous and gas phases in a reactor were explained quantita- tively assuming the distribution of the substrate and HOONO between gas and solution, formation of OH-radicals in two phases and their interaction with hydrocarbons. The coefficient of distribution of HOONO between gase and aqueous phases (α) was estimated to be (0.4-2)·10-6.

Key words: peroxynitrios acid, hydrocarbons, oxydation, kinetics, mechanism.